
Filed in archive Small Business on February 12, 2024

How to start a small business

© Benjamin Rossen
It is everybody's dream to be rich and start their own businesses. It is in everybody's interest to have a relaxed life with steady income, only worrying about making the major decisions. Here is a guide to becoming a small business owner.

Make up your mind. This is your first major decision. Ask yourself what your company will do. What sorts of services or goods will you provide?

Make a plan. The business world requires that you make a good plan to evaluate your business. Find out how much you should earn to break even.

Get the money. Borrow some from the bank or from a money lender. Refrain from personal debt as that may prove to be cumbersome if something goes wrong.

Get rolling. Do what you always wanted to do. Don't be lazy! Take responsibility.

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