
Archive for April 2004

The UK, US and Canada are to work even closer together in a bid to tackle international scams - many of which are peddled via the Net.

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International Version

Here you can view Spamfo in other popular languages courtesy of babbelfish:

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A 21-year-old has been arrested on suspicion on running a phishing scam from his home in Lancashire. The unnamed man allegedly tried to trick users into revealed their bank account details by setting up a fake website, promoted through spam emails.

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The U.S. Department of Justice has filed a criminal complaint against four Detroit-area men under the federal Can-Spam Act, in the first case sparked by the legislation.  The Can-Spam Act takes aim at individuals who create and dispense unsolicited and fraudulent e-mail.

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Firm claims e-mail spam success

A fledgling Swansea company claims to have made a breakthrough in the fight against spam e-mail.

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{mosimage}European laws on spam are “meaningless” finds a study by Dutch academics.

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Employees failing to can spam

Small businesses are leaving themselves vulnerable to spam, with over a third of firms still without a junk email policy, new research has found.

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Sharp jump in share-related spam

Spam e-mails tipping shares in small companies have increased by nearly a third between December and March, according to industry experts.

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Stock spam scams ramping up

Spam messages promoting bogus financial tips are on the rise. Financial spam rose from 10.8 per cent to 26 cent last month, according to mail filtering outfit ClearSwift. The increase is due largely to bogus stock tips, it says.

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How do I stop getting spam?

{mosimage}A couple of simple precautions and software available online can dramatically reduce the amount of spam you get.

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