
Archive for December 2004

So is CAN-SPAM really making a difference, a year on the stastistics show little signs of changing.

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AOL reports decrease in spam

America Online today said that junk e-mail declined by more than 75 percent this year, based on internal member reports.

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According to the Korea Information Security Agency the number of unwanted SMS and phone calls to mobiles surpasses that of email spam.

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Review: Inside the Spam Cartel

At the risk of sounding terribly boring, I devoured this book. The book is written from the perspective of the spammer and as such, it reads very much like a How-To book for aspiring spammers. I believe this book is a must read for anyone connected to system administration or network security.

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Earlier this year, Microsoft announced Exchange Edge Services, a set of technologies designed for e-mail protection, enhanced security and management of junk email for Exchange customers.  Instead, Microsoft plans to wrap some Exchange Edge Services features into Exchange Server 2003 SP2 that will be released in the second half of 2005.

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Ascii spam doing the rounds

Earlier this month, an article was published showing porn spammers using ASCII art in order to get their rubbish across, we received a few of these today.

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A federal judge on Tuesday refused to accept a guilty plea from a former AOL employee accused of selling the Internet provider’s customer list to a spammer, saying he was unsure a crime had been committed.

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A recently reported security flaw in Microsoft’s Internet Explorer has been exposed, which may allow phishing scams to emulate their target websites, right down to the URI

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Comment spam attacks on Movable Type weblogs are straining servers at web hosting companies, leading some providers to disable comments on the popular blogging tool. 

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The Federal Trade Commission today issued final regulations to facilitate the determination of whether an e-mail message has a commercial primary purpose and is subject to the provisions of the CAN-SPAM Act.

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