
Archive for June 2004

Spamfo is pleased to announce the launch of PhishNet a new service developed by Phishinfo and HostingNow to help combat on-line fraud.

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Russian SMS Spammer Fined

An unamed teenager at a University in Urals city of Chelyabinsk has become the first computer whiz kid in Russia to be convicted of sending spam.

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On the BBC nightly news recently there was an article about the victims of scams and phishing via the Internet which focused on one person in detail.

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Dial-up Internet users are being hit by a new scam in which their log-on connections are diverted through premium-rate telephone numbers, socking them with hefty phone bills.

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A California man was arraigned on Thursday on federal extortion and wire fraud charges arising from a software program he claimed could allow spammers to defraud Web search company Google Inc. of millions of dollars.

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An AOL employee has been arrested and charged with conspiracy, after selling 92 million screen names to an Internet gambling operator in Las Vegas.

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Big six unite to can spam

Some of the world’s largest ISPs and email providers are joining forces to fight spam by using existing technology and best practice rather than just looking for future technical solutions. Founder members include AOL, BT, Comcast, EarthLink, Microsoft and Yahoo!.

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In a nut shell I run a small hosting business domain names, dedicated server and the like so consider myself to be fairly “clued up” as far as the net and in particular net security is concerned; not your average phishing victim and because of the nature of the business saw both sides of the phish…

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There is a steady rise in the amount of phishing attempts via email, previously there was a spate of attempts to gain paypal information via social engineering, the latest target seems to be online banks.

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