
Archive for May 2005

The UK government has announced that its new Fraud Bill will target phishing criminals and allow judges to sentence those found guilty of the crime with prison sentences of up to 10 years.

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The phishing sites keep appearing and each one seems to be even more elaborate.  The sites seem to stay up for a while on compromised machines, so a vigilante group have taken matters into their own hands and is defacing fraud sites.

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The Federal Trade Commission and 35 government partners from more than 20 countries have targeted the technology trick used by illegal spammers to tap into consumers’ home computers and use them to send millions of pieces of illegal spam.

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Hormel Foods Corporation and Hormel Foods LLC have recently filed for extensions to oppose or to cancel many new and existing spam-related trademarks and are even filing a few technology trademarks of their own. The DSPAM project, a popular open source and freely available spam filtering application, has already received two such notices of opposition from the trademark trial and appeal board.

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SpamKings has an article detailing how Christopher William Smith, a spammer from Minnesota, has been busted by the US government.

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Spam fighter has own fight

The developer of a spam-fighting service is trying to airbrush the Web, asking some Web sites to remove references to criticisms that it sent out spam two years ago.

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Spam Wars author Danny Goodman doesn’t just write about spam wars - he’s actively engaged in the trenches. Here, guest author Danny Goodman, fresh from the ordeal, tells us about taking aim at a phisher just last night

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Spam Capital of the World

The south florida Sun-Senitel recently published a story about how South Florida is home to more spammers than any other place in the world.

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An article at techweb discusses how a recent survey, released at Infosec last week, shows that false positives have caused four in ten workers to miss a deadline.

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Barracuda Networks, Inc today announced that the Barracuda Spam Firewall 300 has been awarded “Best Spam Prevention Solution” for the second straight year in the eleventh annual Network Computing 2005 Well-Connected Awards competition.

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