
Archive for June 2005

Sophos have warned of malware doing the rounds in the form of a virtual postcard, with the intent of luring the user into running a trojan.

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The Institute for Spam and Internet Public Policy (ISIPP) is warning today that two laws enacted last year are about to go into effect, and will affect all commercial emailers in the United States and beyond.

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Two men who stole up to £6.5 million through online identity fraud have been sentenced to six years in jail.

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An operation that used bogus “scans” and illegal spam to market an anti-spyware program that didn’t work as claimed has had its assets frozen and been barred from making deceptive claims by a stipulated preliminary injunction order issued by a U.S. District Court judge at the request of the Federal Trade Commission

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Trend Micro Dips Into Spam

Anti-virus specialist Trend Micro is branching out into the anti-spam market with the purchase of Kelkea for an undisclosed price.

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Hong Kong plans to enact an anti-spam law next year to crack down on companies that send unsolicited e-mails or make automated telemarketing calls to consumers, an official has said.

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Everyone who works in technical support knows the feeling of dread when someone asks what they do for a living, only for an immediate response of "Oh my PC has been running slowly recently, any ideas?". This book is meant for those people who don’t know their worms from their trojans, and who’ve been having a strange problem where they click on a link to one page, but end up at another.

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Developing nations are struck hardest by spam, which sucks up capacity and resources of Internet service providers and discourages consumers from using the web, an international body said.

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Meet the Hotmail Postmaster

The worlds biggest email and spam attracting service, MSN Hotmail, has now taken further steps to remove the hundreds of junk emails which plague users accounts on a daily basis.

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