


McFadden Blacklist Hits a Trillion Queries

McFadden Associates, a firm specialising in email filtering and backup services has just announced that its free Realtime Black List (RBL) has just performed its trillionth check on emails, making it one of the Internet’s most popular anti-spam black lists.

Analysis based on these figures shows that approximately 15% of email is instantly rejected as spam.

While Mcfadden Associates sells and manages commercial email filtering systems, it provides the blacklist free of charge to individuals and system administrators. Corey McFadden, Managing Partner of the firm says “We’re happy to do our part to help eliminate junk mail. Junk mail now accounts for over 75% of all email traffic on the Internet and a study conducted earlier this year of 82 Fortune 500 companies estimates annual costs to American Businesses at over $2000 per employee. These costs take the form of wasted time reading messages, bandwidth charges and the cost to physically store messages on servers and workstations.”

The blacklist service provided via is known as an Real-time Black List. System administrators configure their servers - whether they be Windows, Unix or Linux - to check incoming email against RBL’s to deny delivery of messages from known spam sources. This process is usually invisible to the end user.

System Administrators who are interested in this project can visit to read through the user notes and download the files and instructions on setting up the system.

McFadden Associates provide several email filtering products and services for both service providers and end-user firms, including ‘appliances’ which are designed to protect an organisation at the gateway. These solutions apparantly eliminate better than 95% or all junk mail and also perform anti-virus routines.

Alan Rowe

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