


Spammer Jeremy Jaynes gets nine years

A North Carolina spammer Jeremy Jaynes, convicted in the nation’s first felony prosecution for spamming was sentenced on Friday to nine years in prison, but the judge postponed the sentence while the case is appealed.

Firstly heres a quick mugshot of the ugly Jaynes aka Gaven Stubberfield

My Jaynes has obviously hit the newslines before, some recent articles include:

How Jeremy Jaynes earned $750k per month for spamming
Spammers found guilty and sentenced to nine years

Here’s a quote from the previous article detailing the spammers high earnings:

"But he earned $40 a pop, and the undertaking was so vast that Jaynes could still pull in $400,000 to $750,000 a month, while spending perhaps $50,000 on bandwidth and other overhead, McGuire said. "

And from the associated press article:

[A jury had recommended the nine-year prison term after convicting Jeremy Jaynes of pumping out at least 10 million e-mails a day with the help of 16 high-speed lines, the kind of Internet capacity a 1,000-employee company would need. Jaynes, 30, of Raleigh, will be free on $1 million bond until the appeals process concludes, which his lawyers estimate could take three or four years.

In deferring the prison time, Loudoun County Circuit Judge Thomas Horne acknowledged that the law targeting bulk e-mail distribution is new and could raise constitutional objections.  ``I do not believe a person should go to prison for a law that is invalid,'' Horne said. ``There are substantial legal issues that need to be brought before the appellate court.''

Horne also said he might reconsider the sentence if Jaynes loses the appeal. The judge did not elaborate.]

Another frequent question is to whether spammers ever actually learn their lesson, the concluding comment from Aunty Spam suggests yes, but can you trust a spammers’ guarantee?

In the meantime Jaynes told the judge that “I can guarantee the court I will not be involved in the e-mail marketing business again.”

Associated Press
Aunty Spam
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