


Yahoo! scam dupes users into creating accounts for spammers

Another mail is doing the rounds, with spammers duping users into creating new email accounts for them.  The email claims to help prevent against automated registrations at Yahoo! but the user is infact aiding the spammer.

Yahoo! currently uses anti-robotic registrations like many sites, where a word is generated and displayed as an image to deter automated registrations (example of image currently being used by Yahoo! below)

The scam email contains a fake address which redirects through a google address 3 times.   After the redirection to bypass filters, a real yahoo help page is loaded followed by a fake pop-up window.

Alex Shipp at MessageLabs said: “This scam is another demonstration of how spammers and fraudsters attempt to manipulate computer users into doing their dirty work for them.

Not only do they try and turn innocent users’ machines into zombies for spam distribution, but they want them to set up new email accounts for them as well. The advantages for a spammer include increased capacity and flexibility when sending spam, as well as making it harder to trace the spammers themselves.”

Here is the mail:

Subject: Automatic Yahoo identifier completion

Dear Yahoo! Member,

We must check that your Yahoo! ID was registered by real people. So, to help Yahoo! prevent automated registrations, please click on this link and complete code verification process:

- https://removed

Thank you.

With spammers not being content with filling our inboxes, they also want us to do their monkey work for them


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