


Spammers App-ly Antivirus Scam to Facebook Users

Internet security firm F-Secure has warned that Facebook users have been targeted by cyber-criminals urging them to download a phoney anti-virus program masquerading under such names as F’acebook antivirus, Facebook Antivirus and Antivirus in Focebook.

The fake AV program relied on fake links to the genuine Panda Cloud Antivirus, using titles such as Cloud Antivirus, Panda Cloud Antivirus & Panda Antivirus Free Download, although it has also been known to use icons from Norton Antivirus.

The virus will spread through Facebook friend contacts, attaching the images from genuine applications to give it the illusion of legitimacy. If it is put onto a Facebook profile, it will place its own image on a message, together with 20 random names from the victim’s address book. It will then rely on their clicking on the image to download the malware.

Security experts have remarked that the fake AV program is the latest example of a piece of malware which aims to take advantage of the gullibility – or trusting nature – of social networking users. Phenomena such as Facebook have millions of users and thus spammers can be pretty sure that at least some of them will click on their links or download their malware.

This news followed on from phishing attempts earlier this year on Facebook, whereby cyber-criminals sent users fake emails and claimed that changes had been made to their passwords. They were then invited to open an attachment allegedly containing new login details. This, of course, directed them to malware designed to steal passwords and other personal information.

Regarding the fake Facebook antivirus scam, experts have once again urged users to observe the golden rule – be very vigilant when it comes to allowing any Facebook application access to your profile.

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